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SPARKS: The Dungeoneers

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TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! Before purchasing this set, please download and enjoy the Sparks: Free For All set at no charge! It includes Sparks from several different sets, to prepare you for what you'll find in this one! Give it a test drive, and you'll like what you see! 

SPARKS: The Dungeoneers

In a deep valley, isolated from the touch of man for centuries, the Secret City lies in crumbling ruin. Serpents slither on fallen frescoes; spiders scuttle on twisted vines. Shadows slide and voices murmur, and the stink of death mingles with the rushing breeze. Here, in the depths of the ancient metropolis, there is gold, elder magic . . . and a growing evil. From the corners of the world, would-be heroes and opportunistic robbers alike have found their way there. Not a very well-kept Secret, is it? Well, somebody let the word slip because, after all, a growing evil's gotta eat . . .

Those who adventure there - and those with whom they do battle - are now available as paper miniatures for your fantasy gaming pleasure! If your idea of a good game involves swords and sorcery, dragons and daring, you'll want to join the The Dungeoneers!

Illustrated by the able hand of Dan Smith, The Dungeoneers is a complete set of Sparks: paper miniatures in font form! What kind of miniatures do you get? There are 26 in all, one for each letter of the alphabet!

  • Alana (A/a): A young thief and treasure-hunter, Alana spent a year with a troupe of criminal acrobats and minstrels before setting out to find some "serious" adventurers. That quest brought her to the towering ruins of the Secret City, where her fighting-staff might not be enough for the horrors she may face. Fortunately, she's got a few extra blades whenever she needs them, and a sense of humor as wicked as any demon.
  • Archer Narrowleaf (B/b): The toymaking career bombed; the half-hearted attempts at baking cookies burned the tree down, and the less said about the short stint as a fashion designer, the better. Still dressed in a piece from the infamous Fall Collection, Narrowleaf finally just snapped and grabbed a longbow, eager to kill things, steal their treasure, and banter with with Dwarf.
  • Daisy Blackthorne (C/c): She's been a second-story expert, a river pirate, and a manicurist, and every new talent revealed resulted in more gold and wanton slaughter than the last. Like her cousins across the multiverse, this daisy is good with both hands, which is great if she's your friend, and very, very bad if she's not.
  • Canis (D/d): He was a soldier in the armies of the king, but his travels to the Secret City in search of wealth revealed something other within him, when the full moon's light mingled with the enchantment of that old amulet he found. He's not sure if he can change back yet, but in the meantime he's enjoying the stylish new coat and super-keen senses.
  • Eleanor (E/e): Her holy order of warriors forbids edged weapons, since they don't splatter the contents of a human head nearly far enough. A skilled horsewoman and warrior, she is surrounded by a holy aura of nobility that masks her secret fear that the evils of the ruins may be too much for her.
  • Dawn Morgan (F/f): Her pale, classic beauty is eye-catching, as is the steady pulse of sorcerous light suspended in the crook of her staff. Say what you will about her hokey pseudo-Celtic dialect and attachment to overdone embroidery; when she wants something to fry, fry it does.
  • Dark Acolyte (G/g): Living in the Secret City and serving as one of the Master Evil One's minions is the best thing that ever happened to him. Now that his speech therapist has helped him with his "little problem" and he's perfected his Big Evil Laugh, soon he'll strike out and be his own master villain, just you watch! And then the Rather Smelly Dark God himself will bow and tremble! Bwahahah!
  • Father Marley (H/h): In his left hand he holds the Holy Codex of Rothar, with his right hand he makes the Secret Symbol of universal sincerity. He is a pious man, or at least as pious as he needs to be to get the job done. Let's just say that a robe that loose can hold a lot of jewelry, spare change, and sharpened daggers.
  • Geoffrey (I/i): He came into the city with two friends. One was killed by a . . . thing, and poor Canis was turned into an animal and ran off! This calls for the BIG warhammer, buddy. Now it's just a matter of finding a way out of this labyrinth before those clouds blot out the moon entirely.
  • Gladiator (J/j): He strides across the rubble, tirelessly, his gigantic blade at the ready, his clawed braces gleaming. He strides and climbs and does not rest, because all of the stones of the Secret City are very, very cold, and the one time he tried to sit down he let out a yelp like a kicked puppy. Next time, he mutters to himself, next time I wear pants.
  • Gus Redlock (K/k): As strong as a human twice his size, Gus is a compact bundle of fighting prowess, architectural know-how, and a thirst for mead that would put six lusty Vikings to shame.
  • Angry Hatchling (L/l): His tail can break your legs at the knees, and his breath, despite his young age, is still hot enough to fuse your armor into a half-molten deathtrap. Tread carefully, eager warrior; this one's just playful. His mother may be around the corner . . .
  • Jeremy Touslefoot (M/m): He speaks fondly of the comforts of his warm home in the kindly west, where the smell of baking seed-cakes blend with the comfortable warmth of a teakettle and familiar old blankets. As you doze off in boredom, he cuts your purse and ties your shoelaces together.
  • Jinx Greengarland (N/n): Sometimes-companion to Narrowleaf, Jinx is a master the secret languages of the plants, the elder runes of Vorba, and the hypnotic strip-tease arts of the Lavender Elves of Vaneisha. Her composite bow was a gift from a human warrior whom she loved, fifty long years ago. She'll never again love a mortal, but she'll be happy to shoot a few.
  • Royal Lamia (O/o): The serpent-kings dwelt in the Secret City in the elder ages before it was such a big Secret . . . The last of them are fighting to win it back, and to keep what is left of their once-proud nobility. This princess is clearly ready for a fight, if need be, and just as ready to toss her mane in haughty contempt for those with smaller headgear.
  • Mr. Golem (P/p): He weighs only slightly less than a loaded pickup truck, and his fists can flatten an armored gnome into something resembling an economy-sized can of tuna. He's "statuesque," in a very literal sense . . . Until he starts to move.
  • Alaric Stilton (Q/q): A courageous young paladin from the emerald green dales of mouse country, Alaric has been exploring the ruins of the Secret City for a month, slaying undead rats and insects that his taller brethren weren't even aware were threatening them. His acorn-top shield can also be used as a flotation device in the event of heavy rainfall.
  • The Ogre-Mage (R/r): A dangerous wildcard in the ruins, Groktai the Thunderous dances in the moonlight in a corona of orange fire, to appease the Ogre Gods and summon down his mighty sorceries. He's a sprightly, playful old codger with a bellowing laugh and a violent temper. The followers of the Rather Smelly Dark God once made the mistake of trying to turn them to his cause, so he flattened seven of them with a spell and four with a small tree. But he's seldom much nicer to heroes, unless he's treated with respect. His motives for being here are unknown.
  • Orc (S/s): Recruited by the Master Evil One for street-clearing and kitchen duties, the Orcs were quickly removed from the latter position when their prediliction for cannibalism (and almost pathological need to put eggplant in every dish) was revealed in their cuisine. Now, they settle in the darker tunnels beneath the Secret City, emerging into the shattered streets only at night.
  • Ranger Dominic (T/t): In battle, he's a flow of flashing steel and earth-tone capes. In camp, he's grim and contemplative, perhaps wrestling with inner demons, perhaps stricken with gas but embarassed to let anyone know. He can track anything across the forest floor, but the cracked cobblestones and rubble of the ruins are proving to be something of a greater challenge.[Image of Ranger Dominic]
  • Magus Nor-Rin (U/u): He hooked up with Alana after they were both attacked by the same brigands, and the unlikely duo formed a partnership. They've become separated in the ruins, and Nor-Rin wonders if Alana hasn't just abandoned him as she did her troupe a few years ago. In the meantime, he has enough to worry about, as the shadows lengthen and the sounds of scuttling grow louder nearby.
  • The Shaman (V/v): On a desperate quest for his people's lost totem spirit (who ran into the deeper ruins during a field trip earlier this year), the Shaman is heralded by a sky of black clouds, the symbol of the anger of his ancestors. If he ever wants to see the sunlight again, he'll succeed, regardless of the cost.
  • Sigurd (W/w): Whether he's using a flail or a sword, Sigurd is the most violent of all the Red Iron Barbarians. He's known for continuing to pummel his opponents for several minutes after they've stopped breathing, just to make sure. That, combined with his love of ale, wenches, and practical jokes, leaves a wake of dead bodies, empty kegs, exhausted barmaids, cross-tied shoelaces, and sabotaged bowling balls in his wake.
  • Skeletal Minion (X/x): Animated by the wicked sorceries of the Evil One, the skeletons scuttle and crawl in the shadows of the Secret City in packs and squads, every eyesocket a magical window for his scrying pool, every rusty blade an instrument of his sinister will. When he isn't looking, they congregate to shoot craps and pitch pennies over near the Wall of Unspeakable Miseries.
  • Thrum (Y/y): Raven-haired, mighty-thewed and royally-pissed, Thrum is determined to find out who shoved a big stick into the thumb-socket of his favorite bowling ball. His trusty sword is slung along his back in case he needs to remove the offender's limbs when he finds him. Thrum can't spell his own name, but he's the Black Iron League's #1 high-score master, and can pull a 7-10 split on pins, goblins, or unsuspecting mercenaries, as the occasion demands it.
  • War Wizard (Z/z): That nice Elvish archer assured him that this hat was all the rage in the fabled ports of the east, where sorcery rules and mortal men live in awe of those with magical might. A few dozen gold pieces poorer, but much more in step with the "in crowd," the War Wizard strides into the smoking chaos of the Secret City, confident that whatever his spells can't bring down, the blade at the base of his staff can.

In addition to the Sparks themselves, this set includes fourteen bonus "flats" to play with!

  • Fallen Weapons (!,@,#): A mace, a sword, and an arrow. Use these to mark where weapons are dropped in combat.
  • Treasure Chest ($): With some coins scattered about.
  • Shafts/Pits (&,1): One with a ladder descending, the other one an icy hole into darkness.
  • Hatchways/Trapdoors (2,3,4,5): An assortment, with grates, magical sigils, big iron strappy things, and so on.
  • Critters (6,7): A slithery little serpent and an itsy bitsy spider. Or is that a giant serpent and a giant spider? Depends on what scale you print them at!

Like this set? There's more:

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File Last Updated:
July 19, 2017
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde July 21, 2017.